

Why is there so much homelessness in a supposedly rich country like Britain?

Walking around in cities small, medium, and large in Britain, at least in the south of Britain, it is obvious


Reaction and reinforcement: how the right has wrought two successive right-wing revolutions

Have we been witnessing a second right-wing revolution, which is an ironic, orchestrated (fake?) populist reaction to the first (Thatcher/Reagan) right-wing revolution?


35 Reasons Why Oil Production Might Decline

Putin’s war in Ukraine wars somewhere, anywhere sanctions on Russia lack of access to Russian oil and gas trade war


The Pensions H-bomb

I once did some work for the London think-tank Demos in the late 1990s and I remember that they had


The Natural Gas Paradox

Perhaps we should call September international gas month. To start with, we (in Britain) have serious problems with natural gas


The Social Dilemma & Democracy in Chains

We watched the Social Dilemma a couple of nights ago. Very fascinating and intriguing. It illustrates, inter alia, how societies


Democracy – A Contested Concept and Project

The electoral process is flawed but probably for very different reasons than you might think! What is really flawed is


Liberty: Heart Of The Matter

Is there a collective reality of god or is it all just personal and individual? I am interested to know


Feeding Britain – Book Alert

Around the time that the great pandemic was starting to be taken seriously in Britain (March 2020), a book was


Power Prices & Subsidies

Renewable electricity prices will have to come down for a while (a decade or two?), possibly to very low levels,

smokey room

The Power Of One

With the loss of the Welsh Brecon and Radnorshire seat yesterday, the Conservative party is down to a majority of


How many hours should we work?

Speaking of working less, there was a recent report that suggested that people would have to cut their working hours

tank & camel

How Climate Change Can Fuel War

In response to the following article: https://www.economist.com/international/2019/05/25/how-climate-change-can-fuel-wars We’ve hardly started on the road to a very hot world. I have not

half glass water

How much water is in the glass?

Tell me how the glass is half full? Personally, i would rather the glass were half full, or indeed completely

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